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Living with the Seasons – Spring

2500 years ago the Yellow Emperor discussed health and life with one of his medical advisors. When talking about living in accordance with the seasons, it was said that Spring is the season of revitalisation and rebirth. To live in accordance with the season people should rise early with the sun, walk regularly and retire early. Exercise should be more frequent. People should allow themselves to be open and unsuppressed, avoid anger, frustration, depression, sadness and excessive emotion to avoid damaging the seasonal element and so avoid problems in the following season. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine is all about harmonising the body within and without and can help with being in tune with the season. It’s all about getting the balance right! If this article raises any questions or if I can be of any help please get in touch via message here or on 0864059898, email to Illustration by Yu Yige as appears on

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